"A quality life is determined by quality questions."
A Strategic Life Plan does not have to be complicated. All you need to remember, is that the key to successful life change is lots of small, but positive steps, that together create huge impact. And the beautiful thing about your strategic plan is that I have arranged it in a pra
ctical, easy-to-implement, step-by-step program.
It should just answer the following questions:
- Where are you now?
- How did you get here?
- Where are you going?
- Where do you want to be?
- How are you going to get there?
- Are you on the right track?
These questions are systematically answered in the different life areas where further defining questions are asked.
Life Areas Critical Questions
- HEALTH – Are you physically and mentally fit enough to do what you need to do?
- LEISURE – Do you have enough fun and leisure time?
- LEARNING – Do you have sufficient knowledge about work related matters and your other interests?
- WORK – Is your work fulfilling?
- MONEY – Do you have sufficient money for planned events and insurance for unforeseen events?
- ENVIRONMENT – Are you safe and happy with your living, working and natural environment?
- SOCIAL – Are you loved, respected and appreciated by your friends, family, colleagues and clients?
- SPIRITUAL – Do you live consciously and compassionately?
Copyright 2010 The Lifesmith - My Life Plan