The process is broken up in 3 sections:
Part 1: Life Diagnostics
- Re-discover interesting facts about your past.
- What are the effects of what you value in your life?
- Discover your life balance in these key areas.
- This is you - the good the bad and the ugly. Look forward and watch out for this!
- Help! Here comes trouble. Now what!?
Part 2: Goal Setting & Planning – Life Plan, Financial Plan, Career Plan
- Do you want this.... and this... and this... and this in life?
- OR just THIS?
- The magic of a SCITE goal.
- So what's in it for you?
- Look at the size of that elephant!
- Is it REALLY your goal?
- Ok, where must you start...
- Are you moving in the right direction at the required speed?
- Are you there yet?
- Check in...
Part 3: Universal Principles
- Connecting these two things produces miraculous results.
- The power of a LFF.
- Common Characteristics needed for success.
- How to program your body.
- The biggest secret of creating your world. This is truly amazing!
- Breaking these rules knowing or unknowing will hurt.
Copyright 2010 The Lifesmith - My Life Plan